Friday, 23 April 2010

All my world being blown up, uncertain future... Tomorrow is still dark, but I know where is my place, I know where I want to be then... HERE!! Yes, it will be difficult to find a job, to deal with the language and cultural differences, but I do not care, I'll receive the strength needed to shake the planet!
If you know me enough, you knew that the probability of that happening was almost 1, and there was a big anchor but its rope was cut... so I don't want to see anybody surprised (:

Hundreds of things are happening here (remember the picture, in some years you will start seeing something similar in TV's all around the World!), experiences, meetings... and my entire being needs to stay.
But for now, I'm still "fighting" the big "monster", trying to study all that I can (I must say that I'm quite absentminded) to not have any problem coming here next year and start with the big stuff.

If you are reading from Spain, hopefully, next time that I see you, it will be for a long farewell :D

"Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city"


Unknown said...

Esta un poco más lejos, pero quizàs te interese si te decides a seguir la vida en ingles y tienes un proyecto.Mira el enlace:

nata.loko said...

Jeje, gracias por la info, pero irse a Japón sin saber japonés (aunque no lo requieran para la solicitud de la beca) es una auténtica locura :D
Me ha encantado lo de "El mínimo atisbo de naturaleza otaku o de debilidad por las japonesas será muy perjudicial en este punto del proceso."

pochetina said...

bien bien, te diré adiós y te diré "enchufame" para trabajar alli jijijiji

nata.loko said...

A ver que consiga primero un enchufico yo y entonces te tiro un cable xD!!

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