Saturday, 24 April 2010

One. If you are planning to have some dinner in Glasgow, the place in the picture is a place to avoid, the food is good but the service is very bad, I'm not going to give many details, just find a different (and probably better) place.

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And two. Today I've seen Kick Ass, and my punctuation is... FREAKING AWESOME!! You cannot imagine the great time that I have had in the cinema. Wow, I was expecting just a regular movie, maybe a couple of laughs... but this film has a level of awesomenimity that not many movies can reach, and the soundtrack is just perfect: the perfect songs in the perfect moments.
I didn't know that the director was Matthew Vaughn, and this is the second time that he surprises me. When I watched Stardust, I didn't know anything about it and I was just thinking about spend almost two hours with a random movie... but after 10 minutes I was totally loving that beautiful fairy tale; I think that I'm going to watch it again soon :D
Definitely, this is a guy that we should not lose sight of.


pochetina said...

q te ha pasau? te atendieron mal? comida podrida? jummmm!

pochetina said...

aqui hasta el 04 de junio, na de na!!!

q morro tienen estos inglese-parlantes....

nata.loko said...

- La comida estaba bastante buena, pero qué prisas con que nos fuéramos, había bastantes sitios libres, y casi no habíamos acabado la comida y ya vinieron a recoger los platos, luego cada dos por tres preguntando si queríamos cafés hasta que les pedimos la cuenta que entonces se acercaron un par de veces para mirar si ya la habíamos pagado... y todo esto a las 6 de la tarde! Para mí, ese sitio ya no existe.
- Pues en cuanto la estrenen corriendo al cine... ¡¡buenísima!! Estuve toda la película revolcándome por el suelo :D
Espero que no la caguen mucho con el doblaje :S

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