Sunday, 13 December 2009

Once upon a time, in a far away land... France is not so far!

It has been a really nice musical this evening, has been hard (if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry, personal stuff), but still brilliant; maybe this can be some kind of therapy, try to enjoy "old" things by myself to get rid of the past. Don't know, I will ask some experts :)

If you know me enough, you know that I cannot do something without made critics about it :P so I going to tell you what I haven't liked so much: basically the music. Let me explain, the score is really nice but the performance has been kind of weak. The voices that has been choosen, all of them are really shrill. And the worst of all: the "orchestra", it consisted of 4 guys playing keyboards!! I love computers , but I hate computer music... you can't pretend that you are listening a violin or an oboe with that horrible noise, seriously, I would have prefered canned music :S
Apart of that, the cast, the technical stuff (woooahhh)... delighting (never better said, they like blinding lights).
Comparing, the performance that I saw in Spain, I can say that they are different; the Spanish one was also full of children but it was more "serious", better voices... in Donia words, the show today, has been "more focused to children, not to real people" You could even eat hot-dogs, chips, have a drink...!!! It is also true that here it has been much cheaper than Spain ;)

Summarizing, all of you (yes, I'm talking to the boring Erasmus-Facebook people that were invited to come) have lost a funny, wonderful and exciting time today :D

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Sorry, it's too late and I'm really tired, I'll write something tomorrow.
Maybe you want to spend your time reading this.

Friday, 11 December 2009

I don't know what to write about today, I have spend all my day studying (or attemting to do it :S)... but I'm forcing myself to write at least one post per day... so today I'm telling the world that I have nothing to say :P

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Cannot say anything about these videos, you have to watch them by yourself.

Edit to add this trailer... cannot wait a whole year!

Last week some f***ing motherf***er stole my credit card (well, only the number), I have talked with my bank and they have told me not to worry, they will refund me all the money (more than €250), but I'm still wondering how could this happen, someone scavenging my wallet, some bug in my computer... it is true that lately I was using MS Windows too much, I need a special software and am too lazy to reboot my computer (I need a lot of resources, so I can't use virtualization), maybe this is some kind of signal, henceforth, I will return to my beloved GNU/Linux :D
For all of you, be very careful with these things, I remember that in the begining I had one special account with one special card for Internet shopping, but as time passed I became more and more is time to go back some years and remember the safe procedures :P
Children, don't lose good habits.

Another curious thing here (at least for me), are the cards, all of them are chip-card, first days here, when I went to pay with my Spanish swipe card, the shopguy didn't know what was that, he had to call his supervisor to explain how this thing worked. In my first visit to Spain (the happy one), I asked my bank to have one of these cards, and they told me that in some years there will only be chip cards in European Union, and I think, that probably Spain is the only country that is still issuing new swipe cards. So, if you are planning to travel outside of Spain (specially north of Europe), try to get a chip-card, it will be easier for you; and if you are not planning to go anywhere, try to get one also, they are much safer than magnetic ones.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Llevo unos meses probando fonYou y la verdad es que pinta bastante bien, parecido a Google Voice pero en español y funcionando aquí :P

A diferencia del resto de operadores, estos no te dan una tarjeta SIM, sólo tienes un número del cual gestionas todo por internet (tampoco puedes hacer portabilidades).
A través de su web puedes hacer auténticas virguerías: desviar unas llamadas a un número, otras a otro y los mensajes que te lleguen a un tercero. Que te avisen por e-mail cada vez que te llegue un mensaje, tener un contestador diferente para cada contacto, rechazar automáticamente llamadas ocultas, llamar a fijos y móviles internacionales a precios de móvil nacional... tanto utilizando el número nuevo que te dan, como el tuyo de toda la vida (lo desvías y riau, eso sí tu operador te cobrará por ese desvío, jeje); yo no le estoy sacando todo el provecho que podría al estar aquí en Escocia, pero pinta muy muy bien, a ver si cuando llegue Google Voice a España ya se han asentado bien, porque si no, se los comerán con patatas (como en todo en lo que se mete Google).

Bueno, a lo que voy, el otro día me dieron 5 invitaciones (sí, un poco escasas, ¿no?) y después de pensar y repartir a la gente que he creído que le puede interesar me queda una, así que si te gustaría ser uno de los privilegiados y la vas a intentar aprovechar (no vale coleccionistas) déjame un comentario o mándame un e-mail. Muy importante que sea antes del 15 de Diciembre, los chicos de fonYou han prometido que quien se registre antes de esa fecha tendrá el servicio gratuito para siempre, con ciertas limitaciones de minutos, por supuesto, no vas a pegarte 5 horas al día hablando con tu primo de Albuquerque (el de USA, no el de Badajoz).

Más invitaciones: tengo un porrón de invitaciones para la cosa esta del GoogleWave (bueno, ahora menos porque me he puesto a repartir a diestro y siniestro), si quieres una, lo mismo: comentario o e-mail, en esta no hace falta que la vayas a aprovechar, tengo de sobra y sé que irán repartiendo más.

Edito el post porque me acabo de acordar  de que también tengo 8 invitaciones para Spotify.

DISCLAIMER: para poder recibir cualquiera de estas invitaciones, es condición sine qua non que sepa quién eres, así que si has llegado hasta aquí buscándolas a través de tu buscador favorito, ni te molestes ;)
I'm really impressed of how people is involved with charity works, you can find a lot of charity stores around the city (cancer research, Oxfam...), today I have found an Oxfam book store!!
I have had to do some shopping in a supermarket and with my invoice, the girl gave me like a small green plastic coin; I didn't know what was that until I have seen three big boxes before the exit: each box is a charity project and you have yo choose what they are gonna do with your part... I would like to have this kind of things in Spain :(

I'm definitely on my way to become a grandma, last week I cooked a delicious Spanish omelette, yesterday a warm homemade soup, and today some peculiar croquettes (I haven't been able to find proper ingredients, but still really good). Now I only need to "obtain" some grandchildren... does anyone know if I can download them from some webpage? (not sure that I will ever have them through standard procedures).

This is my first post written directly from my mobile phone :D

Monday, 7 December 2009

I posted this video in my Facebook (borrowed for another person, btw), but I'm putting it here again, don't know, it describes pretty well what's happening.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade", but it's hard to find a good squeezer.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Hoy (bueno, ya quedan poco minutos) es el aniversario Constitución Española (concretamente 30 añitos), y con motivo de esta celebración, se ha editado una versión para intentar acercar la misma a la juventud del país.
Como podemos observar en la imagen, ya van concienciando a la población sobre un futuro cambio de nombre: "Constituciona Española" más acorde a los tiempos que corren (según me puntualizan en el Feisbuc, en algunas zonas de España, será llamada "Constituciona Estatala").
En esta edición también nos encontramos que el artículo 20 está impreso con tinta invisible, es un párrafo incómodo que tampoco es necesario conocer.

Hi readers, I'm in exam time and like usual starting a new blog (I think that this one is the third). I always say the same: "This one is the final one, I'm not going to abandon it", and now I'm saying it again :P
I was thinking about create an Erasmus-Year blog, but imagine that finally I start to write periodically... it would be a pity start a new one, wouldn't? So this gonna be my blog about everything, about Erasmus, about trips, about nothing... and it wont have an official language, I will write in all languages that I can, so maybe one post is in English, the other one in Spanish and the other one in Sindarin, you can translate them with Google Translator :P
Any suggestion that you have, just tell me and I will think about it :P
So here I go... Welcome to new blog from Glasgow.