Friday, 29 January 2010

Yesterday was a good day :)

First at all we had our first (and I think that single) lab of Bioelectronics... really different to what I am used, instead working with electronic components or computers, our material was baby-hamster cells :D
It is a simple experiment were we have to grow cells in different samples (gold, aluminium, etc.), but it was funny, we felt like biology or medicine student, with our white coats, microscopes, trying to keep everything sterile... what a waste of material, after using any instrument, we had to throw it!
Next week, we will return to see what has happened (slow experiment! :P)

Apart of technical stuff (here you can see that they have enough money), there is a big difference with Zaragoza Uni, in Zaragoza, when you are in lab, usually there is only one person to help and check that all is correct; here the room is full of people: main professor, some assistants of the course and lab assistants!!

After that, at night, happened the big suprise, still cannot believe it: I won something in a raffle (and twice)... I think that is the first time in my life that happens :)
I bought only two stripes of numbers and the two were prized!! First a soaps kit and after that two DVD ("La vie en rose" and "Millions") Lucky day!
Even without this happening, was a great night, definitely Ceilidhs are one of the best things in the world :)


pochetina said...

joder ahora mismo me das una envidia muy insana! JAJAJ
baby-hamster cells, como mola!

Unknown said...

Chico espero que sigas en racha.
Bromas aparte, parece que lo mejor está en la experiencia universitaria que estas teniendo.

nata.loko said...

Afortunado en el juego...

Al menos que se cumpla el dicho :)

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